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  • Writer's pictureKathleen Barr

How to Travel Europe on a Budget

All my incredible memories from last year's month-long backpacking trip are resurfacing, making me feel so nostalgic. Reflecting on these experiences has me itching to plan new adventures, and I wanted to share some insights with you. Exploring Europe on a budget is entirely possible with a bit of planning and smart choices. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate transportation, accommodations, food, excursions, communication, and packing—all without breaking the bank.

If you want a exact breakdown of our budget from last years adventure click here.


Travel Light:

Pack light and bring a backpack instead of a suitcase. This not only saves on baggage fees but also makes it easier to navigate through cities and public transportation. A well-packed backpack ensures mobility and convenience throughout your journey.

The girlies are locked and loaded!


FlixBus and Omio Trains:

When it comes to budget-friendly transportation across Europe, FlixBus and Omio trains are fantastic options. FlixBus offers extensive routes across the continent at incredibly low prices. Omio trains, while sometimes more expensive than buses, can be more comfortable and faster for certain routes. Both services allow you to travel efficiently without spending a fortune.

Public Transit and Walking:

Public transportation in European cities is generally reliable and affordable. Invest in day passes or weekly passes for unlimited travel on buses, trams, and metros. Walking is another excellent way to save money and fully immerse yourself in the local culture.

Uber and Ride-Sharing:

While public transport is usually the cheapest option, occasionally, splitting an Uber with friends can be more economical, especially for short distances or late-night travels.

Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Passes:

Consider booking a hop-on-hop-off bus pass in major cities. These passes can be a cost-effective way to see the main attractions, and many include additional perks like free walking tours or entry discounts to museums.



Hostels are often the most budget-friendly accommodation option, offering both dormitory and private rooms. They’re also great for meeting fellow travelers.

Apartment and House Rentals:

Sometimes, renting an apartment or house can be even cheaper than a hostel, especially if you’re traveling in a group. Check websites like for affordable options. Always compare prices and reviews to ensure you get the best deal.


Groceries and Home-Cooked Meals:

Buying groceries and preparing your own breakfasts and lunches can save a lot of money. Local markets and stores offer fresh and affordable ingredients, and exploring them can be a delightful cultural experience.

Restaurant Tips:

Before sitting down at a restaurant, always check the menu and prices. An easy trick is to look at the cost of a Margherita pizza. If it’s between 7-14 euros, you’ve likely found a reasonably priced spot. Enjoying dinner out allows you to experience local cuisine without overspending.

$7 pizza in Sicily >>>


Selective Excursions:

Choose a few must-do excursions and research them thoroughly. Sometimes, you don’t need to book a tour and can explore on your own for a fraction of the cost. Self-guided tours and local guides can provide enriching experiences without the high price tag.

Kayaking in Portugal costs $50 but the memories are priceless!


SIM Cards:

Avoid expensive phone plans by purchasing a local SIM card upon arrival. Steer clear of buying SIM cards at the airport as they tend to be overpriced. Local telecom shops or convenience stores offer better deals.

Final Thoughts:

While traveling Europe on a budget requires some sacrifices and strategic planning, the experiences and memories are priceless. Don’t let financial constraints hold you back from exploring the beauty and diversity Europe has to offer. With careful budgeting and smart choices, you can have an unforgettable adventure without emptying your bank account. Happy travels!

For more on this trip, click here :)

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Kathleen Barr


Creative Communicator

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